Photomeetings 2013 du 10 septembre au 19 octobre 2013

Photomeetings 2013

Photomeetings change légèrement de concept en alternant une Symposium edition et une Student édition.

Vous trouverez toutes les explications dans la lettre de Marita Ruiter, la force conducteur derrière Photomeetings:

Dear photography lovers,

September is around the corner and therefore we would like to inform you about the 9th edition of photomeetings luxembourg, which will take place from September 10th to October 19th, 2013 at the Cercle Cité, the Galerie Clairefontaine, and the Galerie beim Engel.

From now on, the concept is to alternate the focus bi-annually : there will be “The Symposium edition” one year and “The Students’ Edition” with student groups from different European universities the following year.
The first week (September 10th-13th ) will be “lecture week”, featuring conferences of three famous photographers at the Cité Auditorium: Massimo Vitali, Isabel Muñoz and Roger Ballen. All the lectures are free of charge.

Isabel Muñoz will do a 3-day workshop in the Cercle building.
The workshop fee is 250 EUR (125 EUR for students).
This workshop is conceived as an opportunity for reflection, where Isabel Muñoz, a photographer accustomed to conveying her emotional response to bodies and architectures, invites the participants to use the camera as a means of expressing their desires and feelings through that dialogue with the body and limitless sensuality so characteristic of her work. Isabel Muñoz offers a fragmented version of the world and the human body, forcing us to look at them a little better and to reflect on beauty and movement. At the same time, she attempts to offer an insight into her own way of working; that is, into her creative process.

There will be 3 one man exhibitions of the work of the world renowned photographers Massimo Vitali, Isabel Muñoz and Roger Ballen in Galerie Clairefontaine 1 & 2, and at the Galerie beim Engel. Come and meet 3 legends of photography!

This event is aimed at all photography enthusiasts, be it professionals or amateurs.

The programme will be on the website this month.

You can already register to the workshop and the lectures by sending us the following details to

First Name:
We are looking forward to hearing from you.

Please let us know if you need further information.

You will find the programme/invitation card in the attachment.

Best regards,

Marita Ruiter


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